BFF - Best Friends Forever 21-22

2nd ESO Bil. A/B

Our blog:

Our world is going through difficult times, our children are trying to cope with hard events. As English teachers, we want to support our students , bring them together with students from different countries and cultures, share cultural values, and ensure that our students can spend fruitful time. With this projects, they'll reinforce their communication skills and will have self confidence.

To improve communication and speaking skills
To improve basic English skills
To support our students to have self confidence
To teach them sharing their knowledge,opinions,dreams and stories
To use innovative applications, teaching techniques and Web 2.0 tools
To improve cooperative teaching and learning by integrating technology and Web 2.0 tools
To enable our students to learn different cultures.
To encourage our students to be creative
To ensure their socialization
To teach them cooperating with other students
Fulfilling the mentioned aims by cooperating with our partners.

These are the schools and countries involved in the project:


Baki, H.E.Hüseynov adına 83 nömrəli məktəb-lisey, Baki







Adnan Menderes Ortaokulu, Karacabey

Atatürk Ortaokulu, Yunusemre

Güre Ortaokulu, Merkez

Mithatpaşa Ortaokulu, Merkez

Özel Giresun Doğa Ortaokulu, Merkez

First teachers suggested possible topics for the project so that students could vote for their favourite ones.

1. My daily routines
2. BFF - Books, films and friends
3. Myths and legends from our countries
4. Tourist attractions in our countries
5. Traditional foods in our countries
6. Popular singers and songs of our countries
7. Cultural differences

These were the poll results.

While waiting for the poll results, the students could introduce themselves on the forum and speak about their daily routines and hobbies.

Once the topic poll results were known, the teachers had an online meeting to organize the project.

Teachers introduced themselves and then discuss THE PROJECT PLANNING

First, to know the starting point, pre-surveys for teachers and students.

Using Voki, students would introduce themselves telling why they like their country / region and if there's something fun about their country / region.

Schools and cities would be introduced by means of videos.

It was also agreed that students would read 'The Little Prince' and would create activities on it.. The teachers would suggest possible ideas.

THE LITTLE PRINCE (English version)

EL PRINCIPITO (Spanish version)

As regards films, each team would suggest a film related to friendship and then by means of a poll, they'd choose the one that all the teams would watch.

However, first things first, it was time for introductions.

Students intros. These were made by the Spanish team.

Hecho con Padlet

School introductions.

Hecho con Padlet

Cities, towns and villages introductions.

Hecho con Padlet

In December there was an online meeting with most of the students working on the project.

It was time to make posters and logos. 
There was going to be a poster competition with one from each team and, as regards logos, there was going to be a common one made with one from each team.
Have a look at all the creations.

Hecho con Padlet

And the poster that won was created by the team from Azerbaijan

Christmas came and we wanted to send our good wishes to all our partners.

These were all the activities suggested by the teachers in order to work with 'The Little Prince. Students could choose the ones they wanted to carry out.

An ebook may be prepared by students and they can vocalize it.

They can draw pictures about the book.

They can prepare a summary and make online presentations.

They can prepare digital vocabulary games with cram.

They can prepare a quiz with quizizz or Kahoot.

They can choose a scene and dramatize it.

They could create poems about the book.

Students can draw / paint different scenes from the book.

They can analyse symbols;

They write about their favourite characters.

They can make different types of activities using LearningApps

A video made with scenes where students from all the teams read the different parts of a chapter.

Students can create an ebook with their opinions about the book .

They can play the role of each character in the book, just introducing themselves to the others (e. g. 'Hi, I'm the Little Prince and I live ...')

They can draw a poster with all the characters united in a ring-a-ring-o’roses

They can read their favourite quotation, draw a picture and create a small video.

They could explain the quotation in the forums - what it is about, why they like it…  

Here you can see all the activities that were designed: We also used the Twinspace forum to discuss about the characters.

Hecho con Padlet

The Spanish students suggested the films about friendship they'd like to see and work with and a poll was carried out to choose the one we'd suggest to all partners.
    'Stand by me' 
    'Dead Poets Society'
    'Finding Nemo'
    'Toy Story'
    'Home Alone'
    'E. T. the Extra-Terrestrial'
    'Spider Man: Homecoming'

And the winner was .... 'SPIDERMAN: HOMECOMING'

After dealing with the topic 'Holidays' in class, we made a travel brochure about the countries involved in the project. 

We had a meeting in January to show what each partner had done related to 'The Little Prince' and we played a QUIZIZZ GAME based on the book.

In March we had a meeting with Radek's and Sabina's students. We introduced ourselves and our hobbies and then we played The Little Prince Game. We learnt and had fun.

We had a video about our country and our town and also a game about our school. Unfortunately, we didn't have time for them. Here they are for you to enjoy yourselves and play.
Our country presentation:

Our town presentation: 

The game about our school:

Then there was a poll to choose the film all the partners would work with.

Teachers suggested activities that could be done about the film so that the students would work on them in mixed international teams mentored by teachers in order to get a common product. The chosen activities were:

1. They'd write an acrostic poem 'SPIDERMAN HOMECOMING'
2. They'd give voice to their favourite character recording themselves speaking about their qualities.
3. They'd write a story about the film.
4. They'd prepare a quiz about the film so that all the participants could meet and play.
5. They'd think about a different ending for the film and then there'd be a poll to choose the best one.

We saw the film in class.

We worked on the forum:

Carlota spoke about her favourite character: Spiderman

Irene's was also Spiderman.

We made a book with all the videos.

This the common alternative story the students made up. 

Hecho con Padlet

And this is the book we created with all the activities we did based on the film.

Book titled ''SPIDERMAN - HOMECOMING' SEEN BY 'BFF''Read this book made on StoryJumper

Then we decided to create our sustainable and inclusive school.

We gave ideas on the forum and also designed it.

There was an online exhibition with all the participants' ideas:

Powered by emaze

We made a dictionary about our ideal school taking the ideas from the forum.

Book titled 'MY DREAM SCHOOL DICTIONARY'Read this book made on StoryJumper

At the end of April all teams had a meeting to design our DREAM SCHOOL, give it a name, play a game about the film and use the chat to celebrate Safer Internet Day and speak about rules to follow. It was a very interesting and productive meeting.

Now, have a look at the school designed by the students during the meeting.

This is our dream school:

There was a poll with all the school names suggested by the students on the chat.
The name chosen for our dream school was suggested by two Turkish students: 

Finally, we used the forum to write about the festivals celebrated in our country and we made a presentation with all of them. 

The end of the project came and there had to be an evaluation.

                          Bff Best Friends Forever Post Survey Analysis for Students

It's very important to know the families' opinions:

Hecho con Padlet

This is an infographic with the main activities done for the project.

Finally, students were awarded their deserved certificates.

Our team wanted to celebrate eTWINNING DAY.

Hecho con Padlet

All the students thought about how to improve our school.


As a teacher I was invited to talk about the project in the event 'Enbuentro Multilateral de docentes de Secundaria en castellano Junt@s hacia una escuela diversa, inclusiva y sostenible'
This was my presentation: