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A new school year started and although it was different from others because of COVID 19, we wanted to meet and work with other students from different countries. That's why we joined this project.
This is the project BLOG
This is the project WEBSITE
It was important to know each other, so introductions came first.
'S.O.S' could stand for many things and students were going to decide what it meat in order to give a name to the project.
You can see all the students' ideas and votes here.
AND THE WINNER WAS: SCHOOLS OF SUCCESS, suggested by a Turkish student.
These are the introductions of the different schools:
In order to test your knowledge about our presentations, you can try this KAHOOT and have fun.
We tried it ourselves and CELIA M. was the winner, so she got a DIPLOMA.
In October teachers had their first online meeting to know each other and coordinate the different steps.
The students were ready to choose the logo and the poster that would represent the project.
Each group of students contributed one.
It was thought that all the logos would be joined in a common one and that there would be a competition to choose the poster.
These are our logos.
Made by Javier & Celia M. and chosen to represent our team in the project competition.
We got our logo by joining all partners' suggestions:
These are all the posters we made:
We created a survey so that everybody at the school could choose the poster that would represent our school in the competition.
And the one chosen by the school to represent our team in the project competition was the one made by Juan:
The winner was the one from Balikesir, Turkey, and ours came 3rd.
It's always important to know the starting point, so there were pre-surveys for teachers and students.
We enjoyed writing on the forum about our hobbies and daily routines.
Our first meeting came. We met some of our Turkish partners. We had great time introducing ourselves.
In order to introduce our cities / towns / villages we needed to know how to work with ANIMOTO, so we had this TUTORIAL to learn how to use it.
These are the Spanish places where we are from.
We could meet our partners from PESCARA, ITALY, and we had a great time introducing ourselves and our countries to complete this FACTFILE.
Then, it came the time to choose two sports figures from each country in order to make a game on Quizlet.
This is the moment when we suggested and voted for our favourite ones:
Although we only had to find some information about them, Celia M. made such a beautiful presentation that it's worth placing it here.
Celia and Francisco were the ones in charge of writing about our sports figures on Quizlet.
When all the partners finished writing about their sports figures, we created a game on Quizlet.
If you want to try, first, you must have a look at the FLASHCARDS.
Now, it's time for you to PLAY. GOOD LUCK!
We had fun playing the game.
We introduced ourselves, spoke about our hobbies, asked and answer questions about our countries and our cultures. We even practised a word: 'ADIOS / GÜLE GÜLE'. We had fun and it was a pleasure to meet more partners and make more friends.
For our next activity we needed to think about two important Spaniards because all the groups were going to choose to important people from their countries.
In order to choose between those we suggested, we had to vote. These are the candidates and the result.
As you can see, we finally chose ROSALÍA and ANTONIO GAUDÍ.
In order to present our important figures, we had to vote whether to use Storyjumper or Bookcreator, which one do you think we chose?
Each group wrote their information about their important figures and read it.
Our team made a game to chech everybody's knowledge about these important figures. Try it and see how much you know.
We had fun with it.
We had another wonderful online meeting. This time it was with students from Terni, Italy. We introduced ourselves, spoke about our hobbies and played 'Stop the Bus'. A lovely time together.
Since we saw the topic of clothes at school, we investigated and made some presentations about the typical costumes of our partners.
Christmas time came and it was time to wish each other a 'Merry Christmas'. The idea was to pair students from different nationalities.
We voted whether we preferred digital or handmade cards and due to COVID 19 this was the result.
We were matched with Arzu's students from Turkey.
We used Canva and Chatterpix to make and give voice to our cards and in order to make them we needed some help.
Our teacher made this video on how to use CANVA.
These are the links to some CHATTERPIX tutorials:
Here you can see our wonderful creations:
This is a presentation with our cards and wishes:
We sent our partners a video to wish them a merry Christmas and a happy New Year both in Spanish and English.
At the beginning of December we had an exciting meeting with Georgian students. We learnt about our countries and practised our languages. This is our video.
And this is the meeting seen from the Georgian point of view.
We also had the chance to meet our Portuguese partners. It was awesome: we introduced ourselves, we learnt about each other's Christmas traditions and about Portugal. We didn't have time to speak about Pola, although we had prepared this FACTFILE, but we'll do it in our next meeting.
This is the Portuguese video:
In order to carry out this meeting and speak about our Christmas traditions, Celia M. made this wonderful presentation:
We continued working after the New Year started. It was time to work with animals. We worked in 16 transnational groups with 9 members. Each of them worked on an animal and was coordinated by a teacher. We had to write on the Forum about the animal and topic assigned and the coordinator collected all the information to get a common presentation.
This is how we worked:
We made word clouds based on these animals.
Click on the image to see the result of our work on animals.
This is a video with all the animal word clouds made by the participants:
And now play our game to see how much you've learnt about animals.
We had a great time playing and learning about animals.
eSafety is very important when surfing and working on the net, so we wanted to create a dictionary with the most important rules to follow.
In order to do this, each school suggested some. These are the ones we thought of before choosing our contributions to the dictionary.
And this is our dictionary. It's very important to follow these rules.
In February teachers had a second meeting to see the progress of the project and talk about the next activities.
Our next topic was CELEBRATIONS. Each team chose one and searched for information about it. Then one or more students recorded their voices or created a video talking about it.
In our group there was an election and the winner was LAS FALLAS.
It was agreed that all of us were going to search for information about it. Then the best work would be divided into 14 parts so that each of us could read a sentence.
In order to practise, our teacher made a video with our sentences.
These are all the celebrations chosen by the participants in the project and our final work.
Since we had to make holiday brochures, we decided to base them on the countries taking part in the project.
Later came the time to write a story about a trip to the different countries.
There were 3 international teams: one draw pictures showing landmarks, food, the weather, ... of the different countries involved in the project; the second wrote stories related to the drawings and the third read the stories.
We read the stories related to Germany.
Once the book was ready, we had to find a name. Students' suggested their ideas on the forum and then there was a competition. Have a look at our team's suggestions.
Teachers and students prepared questions based on the book to play a game on Nearpod.
In March we celebrated Earth Day. The idea was that each team would record a 1-minute video dealing with different aspects related to the environment: climate change, pollution, ... and after that, an animation news video would be made. Our topic was: 'What happens when the climate changes?'
These are the videos that were filmed:
All together we got this great video.
Time flies and the last tasks for our project arrived. This was the planning:
We prepared different activities so that we could make a final game.
We had a great time playing our last game first individually and then as a group.
We made collages of all our work in order to organise an online exhibition.
We were very interested in knowing families' opinions about the project.
On May the 9th we celebrated eTwinning Day and Europe Day creating games, making posters and writing our ideas about eTwinning.
On this day we also had a chat on the Twinspace.
When a project is finished, it's essential to evaluate it and so teachers and students did.
There were certificates for teachers and students.
The students could get their personal certificate HERE
In June teachers had a farewell meeting where they played a Quizziz game based on the project.
This is a summary or our project: