Once we knew that we were going to work in this project, our team dealt with the topic of holidays and travelling in class. We made some travel brochures and we included the countries involved in the project.
Teachers had a meeting in March to discuss about the activities that would be done.
The first thing is to know your partners.
All the teams introduced their cities / towns / villages.
We also introduced our schools.
We started with the teachers' and the students' pre-surveys
These are the results for the students' presurvey.
These are the results for the teachers' presurvey.
In order to work, we used this book as a guideline:
We divided our students in ten mixed transnational teams to deal with all the areas.
It's always important to pay attention to eSafety and we couldn't forget it in this project.
We celebrated Safer Internet Day 23 by attending an online workshop given by INCIBE to learn how to set up our devices. There was also a Kahoot at the end of it.
This was the GAME we played to check what the students had understood.
We had a wonderful meeting with the students in March.
Then, using LIVEBINDERS in mixed international teams, the students, guided by teachers, wrote stories related to the different domains that appear in the handbook we used as the basis of the project. The idea was to make an ebook with all of them adding images created with AI using the app 'Text to Images' in Canva.
In the same teams, the students prepared questions about the different domains because using them, the teachers would create games on different apps.
Later on we had fun playing the games.
We made an ebook with all of them.
We created an acrostic poem. Each team was assigned a letter and each school member added their suggestions, then we voted for the best line from each group and we got the acrostic poem that was used to make a poster and a video.
This is our final acrostic poem:
We also made a common festival calendar. Each school took the responsability for one month to describe a festival and include a picture on the forum in order to create it.
We made an A-Z dictionary of slogans.
We had our last meeting with our partners in the middle of June. There was a summary of the project, we played the games created while working about the topic and we drew some conclusions.
We know that is essential to assess the project and analyse the results so we did it.
Families' opinions are really important and we wanted to know them.
We tried to make our project known as much as possible.
We thought about eTwinning and its theme of the year, innovation, to celebrate eTwinning Day.