The Net, a Lifelong Experience 20-21




2nd B Bil.

We were working on another project and one of the partners suggested carrying out a project about eSafety, something very important nowadays when everything is related to the Internet, technology, ....


The celebration of Safer Internet Day will be an occasion to let our students reflect on the risks on the net.
We would like them to stay safe on the net and avoid negative experiences. We desire to stress the importance of the net in their future careers as a source of information and in the perspective of lifelong learning. We also want to promote social cohesion and active citizenship.


To keep in touch with other European students using English as a second language.
To know specific vocabulary about the Internet and cyber-bullying.
To avoid some risks on the net such as sexting, cyberbullying, grooming, online gambling, addiction to the Internet and social networks, ...
To understand the importance of netiquette and the eTwinning code of conduct.
To appreciate the net for the possibilities it offers in lifelong learning.
To use new digital tools.
To self-assess what they can do on the net and what the possibilities to improve themselves are.


         Brindisi: ICS "Commenda" di Brindisi 

          Pescara: ICS 8 di Pescara 

          Telese Terme: ICS di Telese Terme

        Olhão: Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Alberto Iria 

        Pola de Siero: IES Escultor Juan de Villanueva


        Bağcılar, Istanbul: İçdaş İlkokulu

         KonyaaltiAntalya Özel Başarı Ortaokulu

        YakutiyeHalitpaşa Ortaokulu

This is the presentation of our project so that everybody can know about it.

Before starting working, everybody must know each other, so introductions came first. Students introduced themselves on the Forum following a factfile and here you can see the teachers'.

First we had to think about a title for the project, so we suggested our ideas.

We were eager to start working on our topic.

There was some brainstorming about positive/negative aspects of the Internet and later we used the results to write sentences.

In order to reflect on our use of the net, we filled in a QUESTIONNAIRE and wrote ESSAYS about the topic.

Once we had the RESULTS, we discussed them.

In the middle of January, teachers had their first online meeting to know each other and organize the activities.                                                      


We made word clouds using words related to the net.

In order to choose a title, all the participants suggested their ideas on the Forum. Then, there was a national competition so that there would be one title representing each team in an international competition where we would get the final one.

And the winner was .... JAVIER with the title 'ISM: INTERNET SAFETY MATTERS', which would represent us in the international competition.


The winner was 'THE NET, A LIFELONG EXPERIENCE', suggested by the Italian team from Pescara.

In order to introduce our schools to the other partners, we created games about them. Then some questions were chosen to create a KAHOOT.

This is the game about our school.

These are the games about all the schools taking part in the project. You can play the final game to see how much you've learnt.

We are worried about eSafety so in order to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021 we made posters about rules to follow and comics and memes about fake news.

We also played some online games.  

Some Italian Students made an eBook with RULES TO FOLLOW.

The teachers had their second meeting in February to see how everything was going on and to plan new activities.

We made an INTERNET ALPHABET with words, expressions, short sentences and pictures.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Then in international teams guided by the teachers, we created collaborative games: word art, puzzles, drawings, a wordsearch, a crossword, cartoons, ..... The aim was to get an ebook that would include all of them.                                                                                                                                                               

These are some of the results:


We filled a questionnaire about CYBERBULLYING and then we wrote some ESSAYS about the topic to think about this problem. These are the RESULTS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE.

Once we had the title, it was time to choose a logo. Before having an international election, each team had to choose their candidate.
These are all the ones we created.

And the winner to be presented in the international competition was .... THE ONE CREATED BY CELIA M. 

She got her certificate for her wonderful design.

Then there was an international logo competition.

These are the results:

The winner designed by Emanuel B. from Pescara, Italy was:

The same procedures applied to choose a slogan in favour of the net.
These are the slogans suggested by our team and the vote results.
The winner was written by Candela: THE INTERNET, MORE THAN A TECHNOLOGY.

She also got a certificate for her brilliant idea.

These are all the slogans suggested by the participants. 

And the winner:  SURF THE NET ON THE WINGS OF KNOWLEDGE, written by the students from Telese Terme, Italy.

Then some topics were chosen to discuss on the forum. Each teacher would lead two topics and the students would choose the ones they liked to discuss. They'd also write questions about the topic to play an international Kahoot.
These were the topics:

Digital footprint and reputation
Online teaching
Fake news
Addiction to the net
Exploring positive aspects of the net
The importance of the Europass digital assessment in a CV
Safer Internet Day
Social networks and privacy

Play our KAHOOT to learn and have as much fun as we did.

And the winners had a diploma.

In April our team met online the Italian team from Pescara. We played the Kahoot about all the schools taking part in the project and the one about Tim Berners-Lee, father of the Internet. 
The result? ... We had lots of fun.

Of course, on May 9th it's time to celebrate eTWINNING DAY.

We worked to celebrate eTwinning Day and Europe Day and we had a good result.

We wrote some golden rules to follow on the Net in order to make a rap song, which is a good way to remember them.

Think before you post

The Net, a lifelong experience

Don't be addicted to the Net, Use your brain!

Follow Netiquette and you will be correct!

Hatespeech doesn't teach anything

Connect, respect and protect

Funny , creative and enjoyable

Creativity is our best quality

Respect people and they´ll do the same

Respect the copyright of images

Every picture is awesome but use Creative Commons

Be careful with strangers

Do not give the password to unknown people

Don´t do cyberbullying.

Don't believe everything you see on the Internet, it might be fake news!

Protect yourself, protect your personal data

Don´t post personal information on social media

Don't look for inappropiate things

Don´t share your personal account

Think about what you are going to post before posting something

In order to end up our project, we collected all the activities carried out in an ebook.

The Net,a lifelong experience

In a project dealing with the use of the Internet it was necessary to work with Europass and assess our digital competences.

If you want to try, first read the self-assessment grid.

We did our evaluation.

Have a look at our results:

It's important to assess projects and both teachers and students could do it.

Families have a lot to say so we wanted to know their opinion about the project.

Hecho con Padlet

Of course, at the end there were certificates for everybody.

Students could get theirs HERE