eTwinnovaTeens 19-20

2nd ESO Bil.

These were the schools taking part in the project at the beginning although, unfortunately, some couldn't go through the end:

Baku, 258 nömrəli tam orta məktəb, Baku, Azerbaijan

Bey-Koop. Ali Çebi Ortaokulu, Esenyurt, Turkey

Hacı Lütfi Pamukçu Ortaokulu, Merkez, Turkey

ICS "Via Scopoli" di Pavia, Pavia (Pv), Italy

IES Escultor Juan de Villanueva, Pola de Siero, Spain

IES Jose Manuel Blecua, Zaragoza, Spain

INS Santa Eugènia, Girona, Spain

I P Gimnaziul Negureni, Teleneşti, Republic of Moldova

LEPL Kutaisi Andria Razmadze Physico-mathematical Public School N41, Kutaisi, Georgia

Mehmet Azman Çavuş Ortaokulu, Karesi, Turkey

Mithatpaşa Ortaokulu, Merkez, Turkey

OU "Krste Petkov Misirkov"-Bistrica, Bitola, North Macedonia 

Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa Staniszcze Małe- Spórok im. św. Jacka, Staniszcze Małe, Poland

Scoala gimnaziala "Dimitrie Luchian", Piscu, Galati, Galați, Romania

Smila Lyceum "Lider", Smila, Ukraine

Vanadzor N19 primary school, Vanadzor, Armenia

Základní škola Bruntál, Školní 2, Bruntál, Czech Republic

Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny w Ślesinie, Ślesin, Poland

A blog was made for the project.

Teachers were the first ones to work in order to introduce themselves and try all the apps that students would use later on.

Hecho con Padlet

First, we created our AVATARS to use them for our profiles in the Twinspace, then we introduced ourselves on the forum and with Vokis:

Hecho con Padlet

Here you are all the members' introductions:

Hecho con Padlet

Once we knew each other, it was time to introduce our town and our school.

Since we were two groups, each one was going to deal with one introduction and then would choose the other's best one to represent all of us in the project.

A TUTORIAL ON ANIMOTO was made to tell students how to use it. 


This was voted as the best one, so it would show our town to all the project members.


Have a look at how we worked.

Now you can meet the students that made the video chosen as the best one by their partners: Lucía, Paula, Irene and Ana, who is holding Cristina's diploma.

These are all the cities/towns with schools involved in the project: 

Hecho con Padlet


This was voted as the best one, so it would show our school to all the project members.

We worked a lot for our videos.

Meet the students that made the video chosen as the best one by their partners: Sara, Carmen, Jimena and Ana. All of them are holding their diplomas.

These are our school partners

Hecho con Padlet

We saw all the presentations very carefully because later on came a Kahoot played in all countries with questions based on them.
We were told that the students with the best three results would get a prize!!!

We enjoyed playing it!!!

It is important to assess one's work and so we did. Here you can find a self-assessment sheet, both in English and in Spanish.

Next a poster competition came. These are all the wonderful posters we made in order to choose the one that would represent our school.

When they were ready, our teacher sent the link to vote to all English teachers so that all our school partners could vote. And the result was ....

This is the winner that represented our school: Ana and Cristina's

Have a look at all our partners' posters.

Again, all our school partners could vote for their favourite posters for the project between all the ones made by all the participants.

Here you can see the RESULTS.
Our poster came 5th out of 12 and the winner was ... the one made by ...

Beykoop Ali Çebi Secondary School /Istanbul /Turkey

Since we were on the first steps of the project, we made a pre-survey for STUDENTS and TEACHERS. 

These are the results:

While we were dealing with clothes in our lessons, we decided to surprise our partners with presentations about the traditional costumes in the places involved in the project.

When Christmas came, we did lots of things to give our good wishes to all our partners.



As a Christmas present, we had an online meeting with our Turkish friends from Giresun and the Ukranian ones from Smila.

As a New Year's present, we had an online meeting with our Italian friends from Pavia and the ones from Zaragoza.

Using the different topics we had studied, all the participants created word clouds.

Here you can see us trying to be creative:

And this is the result:

Hecho con Padlet

As one of the main aims of the project was to develop communicative skills, students wrote some dialogues based on the topics they had seen in their lessons and then they performed them.

Here you can see all the videos created for the project:

Hecho con Padlet

Once we had the scripts and the videos, it was time to go one step further. The different schools exchanged their dialogues and their students made videos using the app Toontastic 3D. Our group made them using the dialogues from MEHMET AZMAN ÇAVUŞ SECONDARY SCHOOL, Turkey.
These are all the videos created by all the participants.

Hecho con Padlet

You can see some of us in our creative moments.

To commemorate Safer Internet Day, the Spanish students made online posters with tips to surf the Internet in a safe way.

To help a little bit, a TUTORIAL ON GENIAL.LY was made.

Then COVID19 appeared and everything changed: schools closed, we had to stay at home, ... It was as if we were the main characters in a science fiction film, but, unfortunately, it was real.
As teachers we could also help by using our ITC knowledge to teach and keep in touch with our students.
We decided to open a forum on the Twinspace of our project so that students and teachers could share their daily routines, their opinions, feelings, photos, ... anything they felt like. Later, everything was put together in a book:

Book titled 'OUR DIARY'

The Turkish coordinator created a video with the contributions:

The Turkish team from Balikesir made some puzzles:

And also some wordsearches: 


To celebrate this year's 'different' World Book Day, we shared the books we had written some months before and a game based on them.

2nd A/B Bil

2nd C/D Bil


We also made some bookmarks. If you like one (or more 😉) just click on the image with the right-hand side of the mouse, save the image and then you can print it.

Despite the circumstances, we wanted to celebrate eTwinning Day showing our opinions, making posters and creating games so that everybody could join us in our celebration.


Hecho con Padlet

There was some help with a TUTORIAL ON LEARNINGAPPS

And the day ended in the best possible way: HAVING AN ONLINE CHAT WITH OUR PROJECT PARTNERS.  It was really nice and special, we hope to be able to do it again.

You can have a look at a video and our chat.

We made four transnational groups in order to write a magazine about CLIMATE CHANGE.
One of them was responsible for suggesting titles, so all participants could vote to choose one. 
These are the most voted titles:

This is the e-magazine that we all made together about the environment, its problems and the solutions suggested.

In this magazine you can see our posters to celebrate The Earth Day.

As our schools were closed we couldn't organize an exhibition there, we decided to arrange an online one.

All projects must be evaluated in order to improve so teachers and students took part in a final survey and these are the RESULTS OF THE EVALUATION.

Students were awarded with a CERTIFICATE for having worked so hard.

After so much effort and work in difficult times, we got a great reward:




Our project appeared on Educastur too.